

Avatar of Nightwish85
| 17

These achievements are about having friends on
When you meet people that you get along with, add them as friends!

There are many ways to find people and add them as friends, see below a couple of them:

Option 1:

  • (starting in home page) mouseover Connect menu -> click on Friends
  • click on Find Friends button on top of the window
  • you can search here by email or username
  • a window pops up, select the person found and click Add Friend

Option 2:

  • after a game finished, click on your opponent's name
  • a window pops up with a few buttons, 3rd one is Add Friend

Option 3:

If you have someone's profile open, you have an Add Friend button beneath their profile picture

Option 4:

If you send invites for people to join, you automatically become friends after they create and activate their account (see my page here for more info about inviting people to

Important: in order to become friends with someone when you send a friend request, that person must accept the invite.
Note: it's considered polite to ask first, before sending a friend request happy.png

You will obtain the achievements according to how many friends you manage to get:

  • 10 friends - Buddy System
  • 100 friends - Social Butterfly

Here is a secret achievement as well!
When you reach at least 10 friends that are all from different countries (also different than yours), you get Pen Pal!

Here is the link that takes you there directly.

Click here to return to the main blog page.