Full Day

Full Day

Avatar of Nightwish85
| 9

This is a secret achievement, it doesn't appear in your page until you actually obtain it.

In order to get this achievement follow the steps (starting in home page):

Mouseover Puzzles menu -> click on Puzzles.
Next, from the menu in the right, select Puzzles.
Now start doing them for 24 hours happy.png
No need to do it all at once, it's cumulative, keep doing them as often as you can until you reach 24 hours.

You can also check to see how much time you invested in puzzle training by following these steps (starting in home page):
Mouseover Home menu -> click on Stats.
Next, from the drop-down list under your profile picture, select Puzzles.
Underneath the first graph you should see the time spent in puzzle training and other info as well (example image below).

Click here to return to the main blog page.