Holiday bots

Holiday bots

Avatar of Nightwish85
| 31

These bots were available for playing only during the holidays in December 2020 and 2021.

The bots and achievements earned after defeating them:

  • Powder (800) -> giving you Precious Snowflake achievement
  • Eve (1000) -> giving you Nutcracker achievement
  • Santa (1200) -> giving you Full Stocking achievement
  • Dash (1600) -> giving you Jingle Bell achievement
  • Holly (2000) -> giving you Holly Berry achievement

Note: you get the achievement regardless how you win the game ( 3 crowns or full assistance - 1 crown)

You can check the article here.

There is a big possibility that they will return in December 2022 since they are very popular. Achievements won't be able to be obtained until they do.

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