Rush Streak

Rush Streak

Avatar of Nightwish85
| 4

In order to get these achievements follow the steps (starting in home page):

  • mouseover Puzzles menu -> click on Puzzles
  • from the menu in the right select Puzzle Rush
  • select Survival and click Play
  • try to have as many as you can solved in consecutive order!

Note: either of the 3 variants work for these achievements, but it's obviously easier to get them in Survival, you have more time to think.

There are at least 4 overlapping achievements as follows:

  • if you solve at least 5 consecutive puzzles you get Rush Streak 5
  • if you solve at least 10 consecutive puzzles you get Rush Streak 10
  • if you solve at least 20 consecutive puzzles you get Rush Streak 20
  • if you solve at least 30 consecutive puzzles you get Rush Streak 30

Note: the achievements might continue beyond 30, but I didn't manage to find any player that has them.

Here is the link that takes you there directly.

Click here to return to the main blog page.