Important: you need to have Diamond membership to access all videos!
There is a section of free videos that you can watch even without paid membership in order to get some achievements, click here.
In order to get this achievement follow the steps (starting in home page):
Mouseover Learn menu -> click on Videos.
After that, just start watching!
There are plenty instructive and useful videos there!
You will get an achievement depending on how many you watch:
- 1 video - Press Play
- 10 videos - Popcorn Lover
- 100 videos - Film Buff
- 1000 videos - Movie Star
1. The first video you watch from your account should be available with any membership (getting you Press Play achievement).
2. Videos from lessons do NOT count towards these achievements.
- the achievements can get glitchy and you might obtain them with having less videos watched than the number specified
- it's not needed to watch an entire video for it to count, but also it's not enough to just click play, the video won't marked as watched
Here is the link that takes you there directly.
Click here to return to the main blog page.