A Beginners guide to Progress

A Beginners guide to Progress

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     Over the past month I have been practicing, studying, and playing chess. I've joined my school's chess club, and have over played 117 games in between studying. My score 30 days ago was 697, and is now 905. How'd I do this?

     If you're a newer player of chess, don't expect that playing a few games a day will help you win. Work for that progress, use, or watch Youtube videos. Whatever you don't feel confident in, train with it until you do. I studied openings for hours, watched Gotham Chess and HIkaru play, learned strategies, analyzed my games, ecetera. I spent no money throughout this month, yet know twice as much as I did before. If you're between 600-850, I can help. Being stuck below the average sucks, I should know. At the start of the month, I saw small improvements, nothing exciting. It all clicked in my brain on the 2nd of December. I was at my peak of studying, using the King's gambit and 4 knights opening to carry me to 800.

      At this point I was happy, done with my quest of climbing, yet I continued, and kept climbing. As you can see above you, It worked, and I made it to 900, shooting upward in the past two days. Below, you can see what it looked like, playing these games, seeing my progress pay off.     (Don't give any of these players hate, they are all great opponents capable of winning) 

     You can see my streak, me climbing to the top, as all the work feels worth it. I reached 900, and I don't plan to stop. By the end of December I want to reach 1000. This isn't far away, and anyone can do it. I've had schoolwork every day, but I've fit in chess, no matter what. I recently got the 30 day achievement. If you're practicing everyday, you should get it too. 

If you want to use my strategies:

Option #1

Option #2

Option #3

Option #4

My other blogs:

Early game rook

Chess in 1973

Tennison Gambit

Thank you for reading