Kings Indian- Four Pawns Attack

Kings Indian- Four Pawns Attack

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To play the pawns well; they are the soul of chess: it is they which uniquely determine the attack and the defense, and on their good or bad arrangement depends entirely on the winning or  losing of the game." -Philidor

Pawns are no doubt a very important part of chess. They provide massive protection, together they dominate on the board, and are extremely important in the endgame, and they ultimately decide the outcome of any game. You can use pawns to their full potential when attacking and defending against the Kings Indian.

For the people that do not know, the king's Indian is like fianchetto as black, but they move the kingside knight out first. Also, a fun fact about this opening, not only does it use pawns to their full power, but it also makes you immediately more handsome as well! (well maybe not, but you never know)

as far as openings go, I have yet to see one that uses that much pawns in the opening. usually it is 2-3 pawn moves, but there it is constant pawn movement with a lot of flow in the center. You can also play a variation of that game where you gambit a pawn, which will either lead to Checkmate or a free queen. It also leads to a lot more crazy game, where there is a lot of theory.
Notable Game
James Canty and Kyron Griffith Played this opening back in 2021 at the Charlotte-spring-im. Kyron found his winning advantage through the power of pawns in this opening, because he was thinking right to the endgame when he traded off the e and the c pawns, so he could have a passed pawn that would decimate in the endgame. 
Canty's blunder on move 13 didn't look like a blunder, They were just trying to check his next move with a simple pawn push, but ultimately, that was the downfall of that game, because black never regained the advantage after a poisonous pawn move.
Just remember
  • Keep moving your pawns. this opening is designed where your pawns are your whole plan
  • keep attacking. do not play this if you like defensive games
  • remember, black is cramped. take advantage of their lack of space
  • keep your controlled center. do not let black create their own threats. keep them on their toes
  • no quite moves. except castling in some cases, you wanna have moves that will benefit you in the moment.

Remember those, and congratulations! you have learned the basics of Kings Indian. Four pawns attack! also, let me know what I could do to improve, it is my first blog. Thanks for reading

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