How to Improve your rating

How to Improve your rating

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Have you been struggling with your rating? Well if you are these are the 5 perfect tips for you.

#1 Tip: Do Puzzles!

Every time you are on do as puzzles, puzzle rushes, and puzzle battles. 

#2 Tip: Practice!

If you have a chess board and a family member that plays chess play some games with them. 

#3 Tip: Analyze!

If you lose a game analyze the game and see what you should of done better. If you get better than 75% accuracy on a game you should be fine to not analyze that game. 

#4 Tip: Study Endgames! 

Study basic endgames such as pawn and king vs king, rook and king vs king, etc. 

#5 Tip: Double Check!

Before you make a move in your game double check if its a bad move. 

If you do that move there might be a fork, pin, skewer, etc. 

I hope you use some of the tips during games. I also hope that this helped you become a better chess player and get a better rating!