How Magnus Carlsen Wins Games

How Magnus Carlsen Wins Games

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With the World Champion about to defend his title against Sergey Karjakin, this is the perfect time to look at how Magnus Carlsen wins games. How is it that he’s able to consistently score full points against the best players in the world, even when the position is theoretically drawn after 70 moves!

This Saturday (12th November) I am going to reveal how Magnus Carlsen wins games with his expert analysis of some of the Norwegian’s victories. If you’ve ever had to settle for a draw because you couldn’t find a way forward, you’ll want to join this webinar!

If you want to follow the lecture attentively, you should maximize the broadcast window by clicking at the lecture title on top.

Click here to also check the amazing 87 courses by ChessLecture available at an amazing prize during the webinar! (50% discount only until Sunday).

Here are some of the things you’ll learn:

  • How to find the optimum balance between attack and defense to give you repeated winning chances without risking defeat.
  • The other, hidden, purpose to a pawn storm on the Kingside, as Carlsen used to topple Topalov.
  • Carlsen’s patient but relentless approach to improving his position. This skill is a major weakness for club players and causes many wins to become draws.
  • The real reason most people avoid sharp lines against Magnus as he simply destroys Radjabov in just 25 moves with brilliant sacrificial play.

Not only will this training help you appreciate how Magnus Carlsen wins games, it will also give you a ton of practical approaches you can use to get the full point against even your strongest rivals!

Click here just before noon EST on Saturday to join the webinar.

If you’re serious about getting better at chess but don’t have much time to spend on study, our weekly webinars will give you the best return for your time. Real insights, real improvement, every week. And they’re free!