
Alexandr Grischuk about cheating

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Grandmaster Alexander Grischuk dedicated a short live broadcast on his channel to the topic of cheating. I publish the best moments, and refer to the original source.

"I think online chess as a whole is doomed. But I think that we, chess players, can do something - first of all, start treating cheating differently. 

Now the attitude is: "well, cheater, nothing special" and this needs to be changed. I don't want to say that I am D'Artagnan, and everyone around is not good people, no, this also concerns me. I also say hello to people who, I'm sure, are cheaters. There are very few of them, literally four people. I try not to talk once again, but to say hello, I say hello, so there is also my fault. 

I believe that the attitude towards this should become completely negative, because this is "rat-ratting". You are not stealing money from or from FIDE, you are not fighting with the "system". No, you steal from your colleagues, comrades. The attitude towards such people should become like towards rats. So that they become complete outcasts in the chess environment. Here the responsibility is on us, on the players, including me. As in life, each of us can't do anything on our own, but together we can do virtually anything."

"Everyone is very concerned about the feelings of suspected cheaters. I don't quite understand it. If you played fair and you were accused of cheating, this is the best compliment. I dream of being accused of cheating. It will mean that I have finally played a great game, at least one tournament, one game. 

Playing with a cheater for an honest person is a wild blow to the psyche. When you lose to a cheater and you don't know for sure, there's nothing worse. You completely lose confidence in yourself. During such a game, not a single idea, not a single tactics works. You're just being smeared. Therefore, there is a big question whose feelings need to be protected."

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