
On resent hysteria 🙂

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 I have checked tonight few comments and couple of videos ( Chessbrah, for example) on my previous post. Frankly, a lot of nonsense have been written on Web about it, but that is nothing unusual. Still, would like to clarify things, explain my stand.

While listening to Eric Hansen youtube video, was quite surprised to hear something no one tells publically but everyone is aware of in private, quote

"In the last few years particulary A LOT OF PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS have either expressed to me that Hikaru is cheating or asked me if I think Hikaru is cheating"

What a coincidence,same happened to me,and likely those were different players. 

I never really checked it or thought about it. Therefore, decided to check the statistics. I strongly believe NO ONE is Ceasers wife,and everyone who is from time to time heavily overperforming must be checked seriously, including myself,of course. 

Having checked Hikaru's statistics carefully, I have found NUMEROUS low probabilities performances both of him and some of his opponents. Some of which have EXTREMELY low mathematical probability, according to mathematicians.Way below one percent, according to the calculations of those professional mathematicians.

One of it presented recently, more to follow.  Considering all above said, leaving it without any further checking would be an insult to all those "A LOT OF PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS" who might be wrong in their conclutions but have full right,seeing numerous highly unusual performances,to ask for explainations.

Even if it's not my goal or legacy to give conclusions, it is obvious to me that deeper checking must take place in such cases, whatever the name of the player. I have no idea about the outcome of this checking (which, of course, will never be done by chesscom) but ignoring so many HUGE INCONSISTANCES is just being non objective and completely biased I strongly believe.

 There is more than one possible explanation of some statistics of the well known streamer and chessplayer, but the least likely that all players involved in it are "clean." Mathematically and according to basic common sense, combined with basic knowledge of chess.

In the meantime, I would offer to make similar detailed investigations of my games and performances, would only welcome this, so hard to understand those tears and shouts of others, especially overperformers. Nobody is above the law or should have "special" position among chessplayers.

  There is nothing more to tell concerning this late histeria after my previous post.

I will continue to present various TRUE statistics and couldn't care less about the names of the players involved because we, chessplayers, are in one boat,equal in rights, and must be treated in the same manner whatever rating on PR some might have.



Hi everyone,

I have decided to create a blog here instead of publishing everything in my profile. Lots of interesting statistics coming and much more.
