
Chess on the Beach

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Hello Everyone,

I signed up for the 2011 edition of the Umada Cup prize fund $15,000USD, to be staged this year at the Amaryllis Beach Resort, Christ Church in Barbados! November 9th-13th.

Though woefully out of form I am, who could resist the opportunity to spend a week on a pristine caribbean beach enjoying the aquamarine waters and powder-puff sand with the pretext of playing CHESS?  Especially since a 5.5/9 performance in the previous edition of the tournament.

So, all you poor souls not on this tropical paradise can follow the scene in this post form the relative comfort of your computer chairs; while I fly by the seat of my pants, still unrated, in the $9,000USD Challenger section (FIDE rating >2100) of the 9 round Swiss tournament.

Stay Tuned
