BONUS game with hitthepin.

BONUS game with hitthepin.

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ok, here is the game with htp everyone! we really enjoyed playing this game, and i hope you enjoy reading it just as much!

ok, i am super grateful of this game, i learned a lot, a had fun a lot, it wore me out a little so i could sleep well. all in all, i am pretty proud of this game. especially since i rarely play rapid anymore.
stay tuned, next week i will be analyzing a win vs an 1800, which surprised myself almost as much as it did him i think. and thankfully, it was unrated so my baddie's rating did't drop like 100 points. and a few other games, maybe with @Benjibass, maybe with @hitthepin, maybe with @supersam1, whom i beat pretty often and steal points from "way too much". maybe even ALL OF THE ABOVE! Can't wait to see you there. oh and if you enjoyed this post then please share with your friends, share it in the clubs, forums, anywhere. 
well, that 'bout raps things up, hope you enjoyed this one, and i will see you later.😃 ~Ethan/Waredude
p.s. check out @hitthepin's blog post this weekend! he is analyzing the same game, and probably more professional.