First Saturday February 2025 International Master Tourney

First Saturday February 2025 International Master Tourney

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Hello Friends, the last tourney finished on Friday and the new one already starting today at 15:00. I will play in the First Saturday February 2025 International Master Tourney.

It is a norm event where 4 players and 6 internatonal masters play for the international master norm.

You can check the players and the results at

Starting rank list of players

No.   Name FideID FED RtgI sex
IM Muthaiah, Al 5092442 IND 2474
IM Pribelszky, Bence 769738 HUN 2399
FM Nemeth, Zalan 2512041 IRL 2258
FM Nemitz, Alfred 34601791 GER 2250
IM Turzo, Attila 704954 HUN 2248
AFM Vandan, Alankar Sawai 25973096 IND 2243
IM Kustar, Sandor 702900 HUN 2240
IM Jakab, Attila 709727 HUN 2235
FM Shoshin, Kirill 34167061 FID 2216
IM Nagy, Ervin Dr. 700738 HUN 2082

We will have players from India, Ireland, Germany, Russia and Hungary.

You can watch the games at


Round 1 on 2025/02/01 at 15.00
Bo. FED Rtg   White Result Black   FED Rtg PGN
1 HUN 2082
IM Nagy, Ervin Dr. 0 - 1 AFM Vandan, Alankar Sawai
IND 2243 PGN
2 GER 2250
FM Nemitz, Alfred 0 - 1 IM Muthaiah, Al
IND 2474 PGN
3 IRL 2258
FM Nemeth, Zalan ½ - ½ FM Shoshin, Kirill
FID 2216 PGN
4 HUN 2248
IM Turzo, Attila IM Pribelszky, Bence
HUN 2399
5 HUN 2240
IM Kustar, Sandor ½ - ½ IM Jakab, Attila
HUN 2235 PGN
Round 2 on 2025/02/02 at 15.00
Bo. FED Rtg   White Result Black   FED Rtg PGN
1 IND 2243
AFM Vandan, Alankar Sawai IM Jakab, Attila
HUN 2235
2 HUN 2399
IM Pribelszky, Bence IM Kustar, Sandor
HUN 2240
3 FID 2216
FM Shoshin, Kirill IM Turzo, Attila
HUN 2248
4 IND 2474
IM Muthaiah, Al FM Nemeth, Zalan
IRL 2258
5 HUN 2082
IM Nagy, Ervin Dr. FM Nemitz, Alfred
GER 2250
Round 3 on 2025/02/03 at 15.00
Bo. FED Rtg   White Result Black   FED Rtg PGN
1 GER 2250
FM Nemitz, Alfred AFM Vandan, Alankar Sawai
IND 2243
2 IRL 2258
FM Nemeth, Zalan IM Nagy, Ervin Dr.
HUN 2082
3 HUN 2248
IM Turzo, Attila IM Muthaiah, Al
IND 2474
4 HUN 2240
IM Kustar, Sandor FM Shoshin, Kirill
FID 2216
5 HUN 2235
IM Jakab, Attila IM Pribelszky, Bence
HUN 2399
Round 4 on 2025/02/04 at 15.00
Bo. FED Rtg   White Result Black   FED Rtg PGN
1 IND 2243
AFM Vandan, Alankar Sawai IM Pribelszky, Bence
HUN 2399
2 FID 2216
FM Shoshin, Kirill IM Jakab, Attila
HUN 2235
3 IND 2474
IM Muthaiah, Al IM Kustar, Sandor
HUN 2240
4 HUN 2082
IM Nagy, Ervin Dr. IM Turzo, Attila
HUN 2248
5 GER 2250
FM Nemitz, Alfred FM Nemeth, Zalan
IRL 2258
Round 5 on 2025/02/05 at 15.00
Bo. FED Rtg   White Result Black   FED Rtg PGN
1 IRL 2258
FM Nemeth, Zalan AFM Vandan, Alankar Sawai
IND 2243
2 HUN 2248
IM Turzo, Attila FM Nemitz, Alfred
GER 2250
3 HUN 2240
IM Kustar, Sandor IM Nagy, Ervin Dr.
HUN 2082
4 HUN 2235
IM Jakab, Attila IM Muthaiah, Al
IND 2474
5 HUN 2399
IM Pribelszky, Bence FM Shoshin, Kirill
FID 2216
Round 6 on 2025/02/06 at 10.00
Bo. FED Rtg   White Result Black   FED Rtg PGN
1 IND 2243
AFM Vandan, Alankar Sawai FM Shoshin, Kirill
FID 2216
2 IND 2474
IM Muthaiah, Al IM Pribelszky, Bence
HUN 2399
3 HUN 2082
IM Nagy, Ervin Dr. IM Jakab, Attila
HUN 2235
4 GER 2250
FM Nemitz, Alfred IM Kustar, Sandor
HUN 2240
5 IRL 2258
FM Nemeth, Zalan IM Turzo, Attila
HUN 2248
Round 7 on 2025/02/06 at 16.00
Bo. FED Rtg   White Result Black   FED Rtg PGN
1 HUN 2248
IM Turzo, Attila AFM Vandan, Alankar Sawai
IND 2243
2 HUN 2240
IM Kustar, Sandor FM Nemeth, Zalan
IRL 2258
3 HUN 2235
IM Jakab, Attila FM Nemitz, Alfred
GER 2250
4 HUN 2399
IM Pribelszky, Bence IM Nagy, Ervin Dr.
HUN 2082
5 FID 2216
FM Shoshin, Kirill IM Muthaiah, Al
IND 2474
Round 8 on 2025/02/07 at 15.00
Bo. FED Rtg   White Result Black   FED Rtg PGN
1 IND 2243
AFM Vandan, Alankar Sawai IM Muthaiah, Al
IND 2474
2 HUN 2082
IM Nagy, Ervin Dr. FM Shoshin, Kirill
FID 2216
3 GER 2250
FM Nemitz, Alfred IM Pribelszky, Bence
HUN 2399
4 IRL 2258
FM Nemeth, Zalan IM Jakab, Attila
HUN 2235
5 HUN 2248
IM Turzo, Attila IM Kustar, Sandor
HUN 2240
Round 9 on 2025/02/08 at 15.00
Bo. FED Rtg   White Result Black   FED Rtg PGN
1 HUN 2240
IM Kustar, Sandor AFM Vandan, Alankar Sawai
IND 2243
2 HUN 2235
IM Jakab, Attila IM Turzo, Attila
HUN 2248
3 HUN 2399
IM Pribelszky, Bence FM Nemeth, Zalan
IRL 2258
4 FID 2216
FM Shoshin, Kirill FM Nemitz, Alfred
GER 2250
5 IND 2474
IM Muthaiah, Al IM Nagy, Ervin Dr.
HUN 2082

Today I will play with the Russian player FIDE-master Kirill Shoshin.

Would you like to improve your chess? I am available to help you.

You can read about my coaching in this article when I was coach of the month on 

You can visit my webpage to read student testimonials at 

I wish you a great day!

If you would like to create your own training plan and would like to know how to study chess better, then check this course! 


I use the Chessmood opening courses:

1.e4 with white

Accelerated dragon with black

Benko-gambit with black    

Would you like to supercharge your chess? 

I studied the Supercharge Your Chess in 21 days course and

You can read about my daily experiences and studies:

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