Road to 2500 - Day 10 - Scandinavian defense against Gothamchess - Levy Rozman

Road to 2500 - Day 10 - Scandinavian defense against Gothamchess - Levy Rozman

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Yesterday We had a rest day in the Olympiad Expo Classic Tournament and I decided to play in the Titled Tuesday Tourney. In the first round I played with Gothamchess, Levy Rozman the biggest chess youtuber.

Ha suprised me with the Scandinavian defense. I got a small edge in the beginning, but I played too passively and I missed a counter-attack. I sacrificed my d4 pawn, but I could not recapture it because I missed the Qa1xh1 threat.

Then I wanted to quickly develop and missed another double-attack on my pawns.

Then I lose one more pawn and won back one. In the endgame Levy nicely converted his advantage.

In the next 10 games I tried many new things in the openings and generally got very good positions, but because of lack of experience I made mistakes in the middlegame and sometimes lost because of lack of time. I need more practice for the new things. Still I prefer to lost online blitz games to practice and then won over the board.

You can watch the video about the game: 

You can watch round 3-11 games in this video:

I created a few training exercises from the game:


You can replay the game with my comments:

Yesterday I lost 28 points. 

Starting rating: 2423

Current rating: 2445

          Change: +22

Would you like to improve your chess?

I will do my best to help you. 

You can read about my coaching in this article when I was coach of the month on 

You can visit my webpage to read student testimonials at 

If you would like to create your own training plan and would like to know how to study chess better, then check this course! 


I use the Chessmood opening courses:

1.e4 with white

Accelerated dragon with black

Benko-gambit with black    

Would you like to supercharge your chess? 

I studied the Supercharge Your Chess in 21 days course and

You can read about my daily experiences and studies:

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