Road to 2500 - Day 10 - Scandinavian defense against Gothamchess - Levy Rozman
Yesterday We had a rest day in the Olympiad Expo Classic Tournament and I decided to play in the Titled Tuesday Tourney. In the first round I played with Gothamchess, Levy Rozman the biggest chess youtuber.
Ha suprised me with the Scandinavian defense. I got a small edge in the beginning, but I played too passively and I missed a counter-attack. I sacrificed my d4 pawn, but I could not recapture it because I missed the Qa1xh1 threat.
Then I wanted to quickly develop and missed another double-attack on my pawns.
Then I lose one more pawn and won back one. In the endgame Levy nicely converted his advantage.
In the next 10 games I tried many new things in the openings and generally got very good positions, but because of lack of experience I made mistakes in the middlegame and sometimes lost because of lack of time. I need more practice for the new things. Still I prefer to lost online blitz games to practice and then won over the board.
You can watch the video about the game:
You can watch round 3-11 games in this video:
I created a few training exercises from the game:
Yesterday I lost 28 points.
Starting rating: 2423
Current rating: 2445
Change: +22
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