Road to 2500 - Day 12 - Scotch Opening h4 variation
Yesterday I played only one game and tested the h4 variation in the Scotch Opening.
My opponent suprised me with the early g6 move to prepare Bg7 to attack quickly my e5 pawn. I panicked and played the passive Nd2-f3 manover to give him time to get the initiative.
He got a small edge in the endgame, but I defended well and kept the balance.
You can watch the game with my annotations:
I created a few training exercises from the game:
You can replay the game with my comments:
Yesterday my points did not change.
Starting rating: 2423
Current rating: 2452
Total change: +29
Change in 7 days: +9
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You can read about my coaching in this article when I was coach of the month on chess.com: https://www.chess.com/article/view/coach-of-the-month-im-attila-turzo
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