Round 2 - SixDays Master Tourney - The big king hunt
In round 2 I played with Isha Sharma, an Indian lady. She played the rauzer attack against the Classical Sicilian. I started a pawn storm and she offered the queen exchange to save her king.
In the endgame or we can say queenless middlegame she started her pawn storm and we got a very exciting position where She sacrificed 2 pawns to chase my king.
In one moment there was a checkmate in 4 moves which we both missed in the time trouble.
Finally I was able to defend well and sacrifice an exchange and win with the extra pawns:
One of the players To Nath Minh became ill and was replaced by international Master Aron Pasti.
In round 3 He was my opponent, but He did not arrive to play in time, so I won the game without moves.
Tomorrow I will play in the morning against a Hungarian played Barnabas Baski.
Rank after Round 3
Rk. | SNo | Name | sex | FED | Rtg | Pts. | TB1 | n | w-we | K | rtg+/- | ||
1 | 3 | IM | Turzo, Attila | HUN | 2248 | 2,5 | 2,75 | 2 | 0,31 | 10 | 3,1 | ||
2 | 5 | FM | Nemeth, Zalan | IRL | 2278 | 2,5 | 2,25 | 3 | 0,59 | 20 | 11,8 | ||
3 | 4 | Geher, Koppany | HUN | 2204 | 2,5 | 1,00 | 3 | 0,85 | 20 | 17 | |||
4 | 6 | FM | Miszler, Levente | HUN | 2264 | 1,5 | 2,25 | 3 | -0,02 | 20 | -0,4 | ||
5 | 2 | Baski, Barnabas | HUN | 2196 | 1,5 | 0,50 | 2 | 0,77 | 20 | 15,4 | |||
6 | 7 | Perkampus, Laurin | GER | 2137 | 1 | 2,00 | 3 | -0,05 | 20 | -1 | |||
7 | 10 | IM | Lewtak, Damian | POL | 2359 | 1 | 1,50 | 2 | -0,35 | 10 | -3,5 | ||
8 | 8 | Lehocz, Jozsef Jr. | HUN | 2129 | 0,5 | 1,25 | 3 | -0,54 | 40 | -21,6 | |||
9 | 1 | IM | Pasti, Aron | HUN | 2372 | 0 | 0,00 | 0 | 0,00 | 10 | 0 | ||
9 | WIM | Sharma, Isha | w | IND | 2230 | 0 | 0,00 | 3 | -1,56 | 20 | -31,2 |
Would you like to improve your chess?
You can read about my coaching in this article when I was coach of the month on chess.com: https://www.chess.com/article/view/coach-of-the-month-im-attila-turzo
You can visit my webpage to read student testimonials at https://attilaturzo.com/
I wish you a great day!