Round 7 and 8 of the SixDays Master Tourney

Round 7 and 8 of the SixDays Master Tourney

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In round 7 I played against FIDE-master Zalan Nemeth. We played the same opening last year like today. I improved the opening, but in the middlegame I made a bad exchange of pawns. After mass exchanges I got a rook and 2 knights versus queen and pawn endgame which I was able to win:

In round 8 my opponent FIDE-master Levente Miszler played 3.a6 in the queen's gambit. I used a lot of times to figure out the best plan, too much time. I got into a very interesting knight versus bishop endgame with passed pawns on both sides. First it was equal, then lost and finally winning:

Tomorrow morning will be the final game against Laurin Perkampus.

Rank after Round 8

Rk. SNo   Name sex FED Rtg Pts.  TB1  n w-we K rtg+/-
1 3
IM Turzo, Attila HUN 2248 6,5 28,00 7 1,89 10 18,9
2 5
FM Nemeth, Zalan IRL 2278 6 16,75 8 1,40 20 28
3 10
IM Lewtak, Damian POL 2359 5,5 22,00 7 -0,14 10 -1,4
4 4
Geher, Koppany HUN 2204 4,5 14,25 8 0,93 20 18,6
5 6
FM Miszler, Levente HUN 2264 4 15,75 7 -0,53 20 -10,6
6 1
IM Pasti, Aron HUN 2372 3,5 12,75 5 -0,81 10 -8,1
7 9
WIM Sharma, Isha w IND 2230 3 10,75 7 -1,40 20 -28
8 2
Baski, Barnabas HUN 2196 3 9,75 7 -0,03 20 -0,6
9 7
Perkampus, Laurin GER 2137 2 6,25 8 -0,78 20 -15,6
10 8
Lehocz, Jozsef Jr. HUN 2129 1 4,25 4 -0,53 40 -21,2

You can watch it live at 

You can read about my coaching in this article when I was coach of the month on 

You can visit my webpage to read student testimonials at 

I wish you a great day!

If you would like to create your own training plan and would like to know how to study chess better, then check this course! 


I use the Chessmood opening courses:

1.e4 with white

Accelerated dragon with black

Benko-gambit with black    

Would you like to supercharge your chess? 

I studied the Supercharge Your Chess in 21 days course and

You can read about my daily experiences and studies:

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