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In chess, a decoy is a tactic that lures an enemy man off its square and away from its defensive role. Typically this means away from a square on which it defends another piece or threat. The tactic is also called a deflection. Usually the piece is decoyed to a particular square via the sacrifice of a piece on that square. A piece so sacrificed is called a decoy. When the piece decoyed or deflected is the king, the tactic is known as attraction.

I created a video with a few nice examples:

Did you play any nice decoy tactics recently?

If you would like to create your own training plan and would like to know how to study chess better, then check this course! 


I use the Chessmood opening courses:

1.e4 with white

Accelerated dragon with black

Benko-gambit with black    

Would you like to supercharge your chess? 

I studied the Supercharge Your Chess in 21 days course and

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