
Muzio Madness Pt. III

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The Double, or Wild, Muzio

There happens to be several openings or variations that fall unter the umbrella of either "Double Muzio" or "Wild Muzio."  They all involve the sac of two pieces in the openng. The most common moves are -
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. Bc4 g4 5. O-O gxf3 6. Bxf7+

or a deferred sac-
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. Bc4 g4 5. O-O gxf3 6. Qxf3 Qf6 7. e5 Qxe5 8. Bxf7+


The Lolli Gambit is also sometimes called the Wild Muzio, but it follows a very different, and much older, idea-
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. Bc4 g4 5. Bxf7+ Kxf7 6. Ne5+



The Nov. 1901 issue of the BCM asserts tht the Double Muzio was invented by  Mr. Rhodes Marriott, president of the Cheshire Chess Association and secretary of the Manchest Chess Club:
"During his 'Cafe days,' he made a systematic study of the Muzio and Allgaier Gambits (his chief book of reference being Cook's Chess Synopsis), and he became so familiar with both gambits that he could generally " hold his own" on even terms with almost any of the first-class players. On one occasion Mr. Blackburne, playing simultaneously at one of the Cafes, offered the "Allgaier," which Mr. Marriott accepted and drew. It was whilst a Cafe player that he invented the 'Double Muzio,' which had a great vogue in Manchester some years back, the innovation being the immediate sacrifice of the Bishop after giving up the Knight."


Chess in Manchester
The Double Muzio
Otago Witness, March 14, 1888

For some time past Mr. Rhodes Marriott, secretary of the Manchester Chess Club, has practiced with much entertainment to himself and with a good proportion of successful results against ost of his opponents, a lively form of the Muzio Gambit,
which, after the sacrifice of the Kt, he immediately gives up the KB, obtaining thereby an attack which against anything but careful and accurate play becomes irresistible.  For want  of a more appropriate name the opening is locally designated the 'Double Muzio.'  It seems, however, that Manchester has not had the debut all to itself.  According the the International Chess Magazine, two well-known American players, Messrs Ware and Young, of Boston, have hit upon the same idea, and do impressed they seem to have been with the difficulties of the defence that they wrote to Mr. Steinitz for his views on the subject.
 Mr. Steinitz replies in the December number of the International, and in the course of his observations states that 'the idea emanated from Mr. Cochrane, one of the most ingenious masters of the old school.' Mr. Steinitz's analysis is in favor of the defence, but there are variations of an extremely complicated character, and in ordinary play there are undoubedly many chances for the first player.  Mr. Marriott has recently had a curious experience with the opening.  He succeeded in mating his opponent in 17 moves and a few weeks later he repeated the operation against another player.  The two games being identical from first to last.  The following is the game which will probably be considered interesting apart from the singular coincidence with which it is associated -



It will be obvious from the games below that the line involving 6. Bxf7+ is the only line that Marriott,  Ware and Young are being credited with.  The deferred sac had been around for a while. Both are Double Muzio's but that name may very well have been established by Marriott.

Some sample games:
some are master games, most are simuls, odds or disparate games