Mark's Blog

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Attention All Chess Bloggers!

Attention All Chess Bloggers!

| Sep 20, 2011

I'll be hosting a new edition of the chess blog carnival on my offsite blog: October Chess Improvement Carnival. bloggers are, of course, more than welcome to participate. Earlier this year I wrote a post about some of the great blogs he...

Fastest O-O-O

Fastest O-O-O

| Oct 23, 2010

I know at least one common opening variation where White castles O-O in four moves, the minimum number of moves in which it can be done. In theory, castling O-O-O can be done in five moves, but I can't think of a common variation where it actually...

Origin of the Dragon Sacrifice?

Origin of the Dragon Sacrifice?

| Dec 20, 2008

Does anyone know who was the first player to use the ...Rxc3 exchange sacrifice in the Dragon Defense? I found one example from 1968-69 that I documented here -- Opening Exchange Sac [B7x] -- but it's clear from the notes to that game that the ide...

Next Chess Blog Carnival

Next Chess Blog Carnival

| Dec 14, 2008

There's so much great work being produced by bloggers, that I'd like to mention the next edition of the Chess Blog Carnival, in the hope that some writers will want to promote their work to a wider readership. The chess blogosp...

The Conquest of Weeks

The Conquest of Weeks

| Sep 29, 2008

Stuart Conquest's win in the 2008 British Championship (see The Conquest Of Britain for details) reminded me of a game I played against Conquest when he was an up-and-coming IM. The game was played in the third round of the 1990 Paris Championsh...

Kicking's Tires

Kicking's Tires

| Aug 30, 2008

From September 2002 to August 2008, I was the Chess Guide at On the following screen capture, you'll see that the photo is the same one that I use on My wife took it on Easter weekend this year. The posit...

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