Analysing My Own Games: Minority Attack

Analysing My Own Games: Minority Attack

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One well played correspondence game exceeds a thousand mindless blitz games. I was very happy with my play in Round 9 of the 22nd Thematic Caro Kann tournament. This win with Black moves me to 7.0/9.0.


I was able to implement an instructive Minority attack against White's Queenside pawns. This is where I advance my b-pawn to b4. Should White's c-pawn capture, then d4 is weakened. Otherwise exchanges by Black on c3 weaken c3 itself.


White did not have active Kingside counterplay because he exchanged off vital minor pieces.


The Rook ending posed extremely instructive lessons which I'll have to get GM Bojkov's opinion. Namely, had White played 22. g4 I think he may have equality. Likewise, I can't see how Black would proceed after 35. Rf1


Position 1: Dream Opening Position 

An ideal opening position for Black. With this Carlsbad pawn structure, White has exchanged off two of his minor pieces, which would have helped him build thematic Kingside pressure. Black will aim to implement a minority attack with Rab8, Rfc8, a6 and b5-b4

Position 2: Implementing the Minority attack


Dream scenario for Black to implement the minority attack against the c-pawn

Position 3: Can White gain equality after 22. g4


I feared 22. g4 after which I think White has nothing to fear after mass liquidation of pawns.

Position 4: Can White hold after 35. Rf1

In this position White played 35. h4 after which I believe he is lost. Could he have held on with 35. Rf1

Position 5: Why is this position drawn?

With White to move, this hypothetical position could have been reached. Endgame databases say this is a draw, but I do not understand why (dread f- and h-pawns)

Position 6: Endgame Finesse!

An important finesse was to play Rf4+ after which the White King must decide which way to go. Either he is cut off along the e-file or allows the creation of a discovered check.

Game Annotations and Analysis