Philosophy of Endgame Play: First Pieces, then King, then Pawns

Philosophy of Endgame Play: First Pieces, then King, then Pawns

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Through my lessons with GM Bojkov, he instilled a very important principle of the Endgame.

First Improve your Pieces.

Then Improve your King.

Finally, Improve your Pawns.

Whilst there are exceptions to every rule, this Endgame Principle is very logical. Pieces move faster than the King, which move faster than the Pawns.

In the following game where I was on the Black side of a London System, my opponent did not follow these principles.

The following position with White to move should be dead drawn.

Fast forward 6 moves and my opponent has moved his pawns at the expense of his King.

More so, he has transferred his pawn weakness closer to my King.

One doesn't have to play anything spectacular in these simple positions.

Follow the Principles: Improve Pieces, Improve King and then Improve Pawns.

My Game Annotations and Analysis