Humanity from Space Our Earth Ecosystems and Our Universe

Humanity from Space Our Earth Ecosystems and Our Universe

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Man Made Climate Change. Definition: The creation of man made pollution by increasing and decreasing resources of substances of living and nonliving materials for the enhancement of increasing economic growth and human populations.    Written by me on 11-19-2016 

  I have rethought my definition on Man Made Climate Change It would seem I have to further explain. Man Made Climate Change for it covers the whole gambit of actions by mankind. When the United States during world war two drop the Atom bomb on the country of Japan that was a action of  man made climate change for the climate change during the explosion a lot of people animals died and people in the surrounding areas got sick. Every time military;s  test a nuclear bomb and it is set off by governments this is a action of man made climate change.  When Saddam Hussein put all of the oil wells on fire when the wars started back during the first Bush was president for these oil wells where burning for months this is a action of man made climate change. Look at all of the garbage in land fills all around the world this action is man made climate change. When people dump paint and other chemicals into the environment this is man made climate change. I am sure all my friends here can see all of these changes  being done by humanity sense the start of the industrial revolution over three hundred and fifty years ago with a gradual increase of pollution over the years being  done by humanity all of this is called man made climate change. And the list goes on and on. So I ask you all how many people have died and gotten sick because of these actions.  Written by me on 3-31-2017.         I really try my best to explain subjects the best I can and the best way I believe is to explain things in a simple way so people can understand.  And I try to always show proof of what I have written so the information is factual and true. With using these words in my writings.  Simplicity  Occam"s razor.    


 Humanity from Space a documentary proves my definition is more correct than the dictionary definition. Randall Carlson.   Link Two.  Link three.          Link Four.                Global Warming, Climate Change and Man Made Climate Change. To me because of these words being used in this manner with current definitions  has really cause a lot of people to become confused with their understanding of these subjects. There are two actions going in the same direction and one subject that has nothing to do with the other two. Which is why I believe people are confused. I believe the only way for people to no longer be confused is to change the definitions of these three subjects to where people can no longer be confused. What definitions should be used for these subjects so people will no longer be confused? I figure it out so here goes.          Global Warming.  Definition: The law of the natural order of nature,  Climate Change. Definition: The law of the natural order of nature,                                                                      Global Warming.  Definition: The law of the natural order of nature, **** Climate Change. Definition: The law of the natural order of nature,  ***** Man Made Climate Change. Definition: The creation of man made pollution by increasing and decreasing resources of substances of living and nonliving materials for the enhancement of increasing economic growth and human populations.    Written by me on 11-19-2016 -----   Which definition do you guys like better?  ***************************************** Dictionaries of today and their definitions.  Global warming.  a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. -----  ****   Climate change  a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century on wards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. ------  **** Man made climate change. Common-usage definition: Warming caused by human activity. Technical term for this: Anthropocentric global warming. Definition of Greenhouse Gas: A gas, like CO2, which traps the sun's heat.