More Chess Variants 2pc: Adding More Fairy Pieces to the Tale??

More Chess Variants 2pc: Adding More Fairy Pieces to the Tale??

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What if there were many more variants than good old boring chess? Maybe put fairy pieces (from 4 player chess: into 2 player chess too, to create variants? This opens up a whole new level of excitement for chess, with opening theory suddenly becoming more negligible! I have come up with a few for you guys to consider:

1) Promotion to fairy pieces (making pawns towards the 7th rank more valuable and making a queen less valuable than a pawn about to promote on the next move)

2) 2 player Fairy Chess, where all pieces on the back rank also gain the ability to move as knights (the knights will gain the ability to move as camels) (e.g. queen becomes amazon; rook becomes elephant; bishop becomes hawk) and all pawns become sergeant pawns

2i) Fischer Random 960 Fairy chess, where all back rank pieces in 2) become randomly shuffled.

3) Fairy pawn chess, where all pawns have an equal chance to become any fairy pawns or remain unchanged as normal pawns.

----->When rooks become elephants, castling can still apply lest you don't want castling enabled. However, castling is now more dangerous as the attacking pieces also move as knights, allowing easier crushing attacks. It becomes more complicated, but the movement becomes more aesthetically beautiful!

I have experimented these variants against a computer (4pc Comfuter) just for warm-up and trial and there were some tactics behind some moves. In fact, I find that the comfuter played decently in these variants (only if it doesn't blunder to tactics lower than 1000 (discovered attacks, basic mates)!) I played quite terribly, but there is just one thing players playing as black need to watch out for: the new FOOLS' MATE with the camel in 2 moves! (I tried it in this game:

Trial games (against the 4pc beatable Comfuter):

1) + 2): Me playing white (red):

                                           (free amazon and                                                       elephant for the comfuter)

          Me playing black (yellow):


1):                                         Red: (hawk mate)

                                              Y   :

3)(using random integer): QR odds: (can't... seem to differentiate the pawns!!!)