My Memorable Games I. Aronian-Popov. Aeroflot Open (2005)
Aronian in 2007. (Public Domain)

My Memorable Games I. Aronian-Popov. Aeroflot Open (2005)

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Aronian is one of the great players of our time, well known and with many fans who love their dynamic games. This is one of his best games, and in it he sacrifices a piece in the opening to achieve a position of absolute dominance in which he plays calmly, suffocating his rival, and finish the game with surgeon's precision. You can not miss this game, in which Aronian sacrifices 4 pieces!
Aronian, 23 years old, with 2684 of elo, played against Popov, 31 years old and 2588 of elo in this game that I saw for the first time in the book Jewels of Modern Chess 2 (Joyas del Ajedrez Moderno in spanish), of Miguel Illescas and Amador Rodriguez. I am sorry if there are too many variants, but it is part of the beauty of the game.
First of all, here is a problem to see if you can see the combination that ended the game.
And here is the game.

Do you have any memorable games?

Sorry for my english  ,  I'm open to suggestions.

My other memorable games (in spanish)

Friedrich Saemisch vs. Aron Nimzowitsch. Copenhague 1923

Botvinnik-Alekhine. AVRO 1938

Aronian-Popov (spanish version)

Another english versions of my blogs

Bishop pair

Sacrifice Rule


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