Some Recent Highlights

Some Recent Highlights

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It's been a real joy getting back into learning chess recently. And while blitz, puzzle rush, endgame practice, solitaire chess, and game analysis have all been fun, today was the first time in several months that I got to see top players play classical chess, and then talk about it. What a rush! The stuff they pointed out was just completely electrifying for me, and here I will share a couple of the coolest moments with you:

(All games are from the PNWCC Super Invitational. More info on that event here:

Jeffery in his interview gave us some positional insight into an opening that would have made a top player from 100 years ago assume beginners were playing:
Even my co-commentator Kostya got in on the action, when he spotted this idea:
Awonder was amused too. Could Kostya's puzzle grind be partially responsible for this flash of brilliance???

A couple things I notice here: 1) These are all coming from classical chess and are more electrifying than stuff I've seen in blitz and rapid lately. 2) What was really notable here were the calculation skills!

Would you enjoy looking at these games live with the ChessDojo's senseis (Kostya, Jesse, me)? If so, we are covering rounds 4 and 6 on Wed and Fri from ~8 am to 12:30 pm pacific on ! See you there :-) 

IM David Pruess


My videos:

My youtube channels with more chess videos:

My twitch channel with more chess content:


I've also created (with a team) a strategy card game: Give it a try if you are looking for another game :-)