More lucky than good at 960

More lucky than good at 960

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I've entered and won two of the regularly-scheduled (1600 server time on Tuesdays) 960 events at FICS, for being more lucky than good, though it's always fun to beat the #1 seed.

Annotating this game, I wondered how White achieved a 2300 rating. For some inexplicable reason, FICS doesn't rate 960 games apart from other "wild" variants (Megdan is #7 among FICS players in the "wild" ratings. I am #35). There are separate ratings for really dumb games like "Atomic" and "Suicide", but not for "Fischer Random", which is closer to standard chess than other variants. White played this game to suggest perhaps he'd built a 2300 rating through, say, that game where all the pawns start on the seventh rank. Can you imagine? What a load of nonsense.

The FICS player megdan from Croatia, in fact, reached a 2323 rating in standard chess at not-blitz time controls — a fine chessplayer who had a bad game against me — like I said, more lucky than good.