My favourite starting position at chess mode: AUTOMATE

My favourite starting position at chess mode: AUTOMATE

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Automate is a chess mode where you have to place your pieces in a strategic mode and then spectate the computers fighting (more details about this mode here ).

In this post, I will show you my favourite arrangements, but I think they are the best, too.or

1.Pawns are controling 4th rank (white) and 5th rank (black).

2.The king is very safe there.

3.The queen will do her job in the endgame

4.And, yeah...THE KNIGHTS. They are simply to strong, you better resign when you see so much knights on one board, of only one color, not two. You can't fight against them, THEY ARE TOO POWERFUL!!

In conclusion, YOU DON'T HAVE HOW TO COMBAT THIS! I've played some games, to test it, and I made ONLY 2 DRAWS AND I WON THE REST OF THEM! It's just too cool! 

But before I realised that this arrangement is unbeateble, I used this one:or

1.The pawns are controling the 4th rank (white) and 5th rank (black).

2.THAT IS THE SAFEST KING I EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! You don't have how to attack it, it's simply just too safe!

3.The rooks are active and the queen is ready for action.

4.Knights can attack in every moment.

I played several games with this arrangement, too, and I lost very few games but I won the rest of them.

So both examples are very hard to fight with.

I hope these examples of piece arrangement will help you to win much more games in Automate!