
Summer Training

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Having finally graduated as a Paramedic and (hopefully) soon to begin work with a local service... I have spent the last few weeks trying to shake the accumulated rust of the past year (really, two years...).  

I've been trying to do this through a combination of tactics training and long games (at least 30 minutes, often 90+) with friends.  

I finally hit a nice little milestone today, when I was able to bring my tactics trainer rating up to 2601, finally breaking the 2600 barrier (which I had been entirely unable to do for the last year or so)...

Some of the tactics between 2550 and 2600 felt a little generous, but it's always possible that's just what me improving feels like.


Anyways, on top of long games and tactics training, phase three of my 'road to recovery' starts today.  As I will be resuming coaching over the summer, I will (as of today) be reviewing/refining my opening repertoire which I have so nicely stored on chessbase :)

As always, if anyone with a CFC/USCF/FIDE rating of 1800+ is interested in playing a long game online... or if anyone has any tips as to how they "shake the rust" ... by all means feel free to contact me either on my blog, or via private messaging.
