Chess According To MapleDanish

NM Matt Nicholson

"The ability to work hard for days on end without losing focus is a talent. The ability to keep absorbing new information after many hours of study is a talent." - Garry Kasparov

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My Biggest Weakness

My Biggest Weakness

NM MapleDanish
| Jan 31, 2022

I miss prophylactic moves! It's not that I don't look for them, I just miss them anyway. I've been studying Dvoretsky's book "Recognizing Your Opponent's Resources", but I've been struggling and my work hasn't transitioned to my gameplay as well...

Practical Puzzle in a BvN endgame

Practical Puzzle in a BvN endgame

NM MapleDanish
| Jan 27, 2022

Here's a challenging position from a game I just played. Black to move. Questions: 1. Is white winning, or is this position drawn? What does best play look like? 2. If white is winning, how can black try to swindle the game? 3. If the p...

Instructive Miniature

Instructive Miniature

NM MapleDanish
| Dec 31, 2021

Neat game against an undisclosed FM. Time control was 10+0. Lessons: Trapping/burying pieces on the queenside is a great way to gain a winning advantage without actually winning any material.  When attacking, make sure to consider...

Changing My Username

Changing My Username

NM MapleDanish
| Dec 24, 2021

After using the ih8sens handle on this, and many other, sites for the last decade, I've made the decision to change my username. For those who don't know, I originally picked the name mostly because of its widespread availability across several ...

Deja Vu I Guess

Deja Vu I Guess

NM MapleDanish
| Dec 20, 2021

Hey guys, haven't blogged in a while but I think the world needs this PSA: The Ruy Lopez Exchange structure is a losing king and pawn endgame for black. In fact, if your opponent has a pawn majority and you don't, regardless of the opening, prob...

My Path to NM - Part 2

My Path to NM - Part 2

NM MapleDanish
| Apr 19, 2021

Part 1 I registered for my first tournament in 2008. The ChessCA Open in Elora. I was forced to take a full-point bye in the first round, as I was the only unrated player. The rules have since changed and unrated players cannot be given byes,...

My Path to NM - Part 1

My Path to NM - Part 1

NM MapleDanish
| Apr 19, 2021

I got a message this morning pointing out that I've never written a blog about my own early experiences. I'm not 100% sure that's true, but it also makes sense to write something about which I am knowledgeable (for once).  So we'll start to...

Opinion - The Best Way To Get Better At Chess

Opinion - The Best Way To Get Better At Chess

NM MapleDanish
| Apr 12, 2021

TLDR at the bottom Besides the occasional one-off session with friends, I haven't formally coached in several years.  In spite of this, I still get messages here on (and elsewhere) asking "how do I get better at chess?".&nbs...

A Study-Like Endgame

A Study-Like Endgame

NM MapleDanish
| Dec 14, 2020

Black to move and... IDK . First U2000 ( rating) to post the correct answer gets a game of their choice analyzed for free in my blog . Make sure you post the whole line!

Big Brain Chess - Introducing A New Series

Big Brain Chess - Introducing A New Series

NM MapleDanish
| Dec 14, 2020

Hey all! It's been a long time (too long) since I've blogged, so to get back into things I'm starting a new series aimed at helping players between 1600 and 2000 to improve their game as quickly as possible!  This series will feature deta...

Simple Play In The Tartakower CK

Simple Play In The Tartakower CK

NM MapleDanish
| Aug 4, 2020

This blog features an annotated blitz game between two National Masters.  It should be instructive for players 1500-2000. The Tartakower, or Nimzovich variation of the Caro Kann defense is characterized by the following moves: Normal...

Aurora Chess Day

Aurora Chess Day

NM MapleDanish
| Jan 3, 2019

This Saturday I'm playing in the Aurora (Ontario) Chess Day event.  It's a 4 round standard tournament where they cram all 4 games into one day. This appealed to me because I don't often have free weekends, and so when I do play I like to get...

ih8sens On The "Draw Problem"

ih8sens On The "Draw Problem"

NM MapleDanish
| Dec 5, 2018

I have a slightly different opinion on this nonsense. What nonsense? Well for those of you who have been living under a rock, Carlsen and Caruana just drew 12 consecutive classical games in their WC match and a bunch of people are screaming that...

First Blog In A While...

First Blog In A While...

NM MapleDanish
| Jul 27, 2018

Neat little game... It shows a few ideas of how to play a symmetrical pawn structure where one side has a space advantage.  Also, I'm thinking of starting a youtube channel so that I can annotate games more effectively. Let me know if you'd b...

2017 Sudbury Fall Rapid

2017 Sudbury Fall Rapid

NM MapleDanish
| Sep 24, 2017

The Sudbury Fall Rapid ended yesterday.  I was pleased to finish with a 6/6 score and clear first place by at least a point and a half. I've included the games with a few instructive notes. Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Because ...

Game-A-Day (August 28, 2017)

Game-A-Day (August 28, 2017)

NM MapleDanish
| Aug 27, 2017

I didn't get a chance to play one yesterday, so sorry for the wait! This game was okay.  My opponent completely blew it early but my conversion wasn't so good. What I learned: The early Nbd7 idea screws up all of white's tr...

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