What's up with the New Language while chess chatting?!

What's up with the New Language while chess chatting?!

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So many abbreviations and slangy terms these days.  And yes, I know it's mostly due to texting.  But give me a break...LOL!

During a chess game online, my opponent began to converse with me...and although it was English, I had no idea what he was talking about!!! 

I needed an interpreter or a codebreaker to figure it out. ...............................................................................................


BSF, AAF and AAMOF - All these ABRVS are ABT2 drive me absolutely insane!

And BTW, BTHOOM why people would want to talk that way.

B/C, yes, there are just TDM!!

FYI...IMO, and I do NOT H8 to admit it, but I prefer the old style of communication, w/o all the code words and hieroglyphics.

AWHFY!  Anyway, I'm just trying to figure out whether it's ADIH or ADIP.

And is it really true that the MI6 and the KGB both work for the CIA??  

OMG, it's time to get some zzz's.  I'm about AAK.

THX40! and B4N.

I will hopefully TLK2UL8R.


(What did I just say???  Basically...the interpretation is...If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!)