
Who is MABUS?!

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Did you know that Nostradamus predicted that there would be not one...but THREE antichrists!

The first, he called PAU NAY LORON...



An Emperor will be born near Italy, He will cost his Empire very dearly: He is less a prince than a butcher. – Nostradamus (1555)

hmmm...PAU NAY LORON...sounds very similiar to a very familiar name...


The second antichrist he called HISTER.

Beasts ferocious with hunger will swim across the rivers,
greater part of the army will be against Hister.
The great one will cause him to be dragged in a cage of iron,
when the German infant observes no law.

The warlike party, by the great Pontiff.

Who will subjugate the frontiers of the Danube
Those of the crooked cross.

He refers to Hister...obviously so very close to Hitler!

And the "crooked cross"?  After identifying Hitler, not much of a's the swastika, of course! 

That brings us to the third and last, and most evil of all antichrists...

the one who is to come...