Promoting Clubs

Promoting Clubs

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This blog is made for promoting some clubs with some information about them.


If you are member of Korea Chess Federation then this club should help you. The club also have some fun events. It is also participating in the Nations League.

Team Korea

Team Korea represents South Korea. Team Korea is currently participating in World League and Asian League. It is also going to participate in the Live Chess World League. Korea Korea also represents South Korea. There remains a weekly event. Many strong players play in it. One of them is a CM who participate regularly while as I remember two IMs also participated.

Blitz Chess Club

Blitz Chess Club plays live club matches against many other clubs. Blitz Chess Club also hosts many events for club members. There can also be some events with different kind of prizes. Blitz Chess Club may also give premium membership to winners of some things (All the text that are orange in colour is a maybe case, it isn't guaranteed). It was running the Blitz Chess League.

Random Chess Club

Random Chess Club is new on You may join it. There are some strong players in it. Random Chess Club also operates a league for only club members on The Random Club Leagues.

Ultra Bullet Chess League

Ever wanted to play Ultra Bullet Chess (Really fast chess) but couldn't play 'cause there weren't enough players? Then this club is the perfect place for you! We have a lot of great segments like the UBKC 2019 which has already started. Players like GM Arjun Erigaisi, IM @thelegend759 and many experts have already participated. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try by joining

Battlexfriends Championship Official Club

BattleXFriends Championship Official Club conducts a league. It uses the knockout format for the league.