The Caro-Kann Defense

The Caro-Kann Defense

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Below you'll find in puzzle-format all of the MCO variations for the Caro-Kann Defense. For the sake of being thorough every MCO line is included. Don't be overwhelmed. By no means should all of these variations be memorized, nor do I plan to do so. I've created this as a document for all Caro-Kann players who, like me, wish to be succesful advocates of the Devil's Opening.
If you're familiar with the Caro-Kann Defense, I'm looking for someone to help annotate these variations. While I can annotate things like "White develops with a mate threat on f7," the intricacies of a rook sacrifice or why in some variations we shut in our Caro-Kann bishop are something beyond my level. You can either message me annotations or comment below, just be certain that you identify the name of the variation and the line in it. I'm especially interested in any trap lines that may exist or common opening attacks. For example, in the Caro-Kann because both Black and White play early d-pawn moves cheeky checks from the queen-side can become especially potent. Qb6 attacking a trapped rook is also an important threat to develop with tempo when White's dark-square bishop pins an e7-knight with dreams of f5. Most important, though, is that we get written down what Black's and White's plans may be and strategies for counterplay. One idea I have for this is to round robin lines between the engines I currently have access to (Toga, Stockfish, and Phalanx).
With time I may include the variations footnoted in MCO, but for now I would be happy just to finish off the post! If you're interested in joining me in a similar project for 1.d4, please get in contact and we can divide up the work. My interest for now lies in developing a full repertoire first and exploring lines intimately after.


The second variation has been mis-printed,
unless there's some special move unknown to me
that allows an f8 bishop to hop pawns and get to f4!

Index of Projects

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Techniques of Positional Play

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 1

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 2

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 3

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 4

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 5

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 6   

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 7
Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 8

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 9

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 10

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 11

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 12

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 13

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 14

Techniques of Positional Play: Technique No. 15


The Caro-Kann Defense


Call for help

The Semi-Slav and Slav Defenses

The King's Indian Defense

The Benko Gambit

The Benoni

The Queen's Indian Defense
The Queen's Gambit Accepted

Endgame FENs

Endgame Practice
Protected Passed Pawn, Connected Passed Pawns, & Outside Passed Pawn

Pairs of Isolated Passed Pawns & Space Advantage
Spare Tempo, Blockade, Breaking Up, & Breakthrough
The Rook's Pawn
Knight Endings
Bishop Endings

Knight vs Bishop Endgames

Rook Endings No.1

Annotated Correspondence Games

Annotated Correspondence #1 Four Knights Spanish

Annotated Correspondence #2 Caro-Kann 2.e5?!

Annotated Correspondence #3 Caro-Kann 2.Nf3

Annotated Correspondence #4 Caro-Kann Advanced 4.Nf3 e6

Annotated Correspondence #5 Caro-Kann Main Line
Annotated Correspondence #6 Caro-Kann 2.Nf3

Annotated Standard Games

Annotated 1

Annotated 2

Annotated 3

Annotated Standard #4 Caro-Kann Exchange

Annotated Standard #5 Nimzo-Indian Leningrad

Annotated Standard #6 Queen's Pawn Neo-Indian

Annotated Standard #7 Benko Gambit Declined

Annotated Standard #8 Queen's Gambit Declined Marshal's Defense

Annotated Standard #9 The Modern
Annotated Standard #10 Caro-Kann Exchange 4.Nf3

Annotated Standard #11 Caro-Kann Bronstein-Larsen
Annotated Standard #12 English Mikenas-Carls Sicilian
Annotated Standard #13 Queen's Gambit Declined

Annotated Standard #14 Caro-Kann Advanced

Annotated Standard No.15 Caro-Kann

Annotated Standard no. 16 Van Geet

Annotated Engine Games

Versus Stockfish #1 Caro-Kann Bronstein-Larsen