Live 5 min blitz - 2011.06.19-Later that same day...

Live 5 min blitz - 2011.06.19-Later that same day...

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Ok so after a day of grilling and relaxing i decided to start playing live again. Ive come to the conclusion that in order to get more familiarized with the board i should call out all the moves. There is a lot of whispering to myself tho. Again these videos will improve with time. Both in content and comments. It is kind of hard to think and speak on a five minute blitz tho. In any case enjoy. I also added some music i made to cover the silence.


It was a close one. I could have won this. It was very educational to watch myself play. Hope you enjoyed It.




peterwaffles's Blog

Petronious, Earl of Waffleshire
Fortress of Solitude