on the Roman Dzindzichashvili series

on the Roman Dzindzichashvili series

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at first i resented him for treating me like some sort of imbecile not worthy of his time (even tho he was only a recording on a dvd i paid for), this resentment has grown into a "Pai Mei"-like admiration.

Over the months, yes ive had his series for many frustrating months, ive come to realize that it is not Roman who goes fast, it is I who had been moving too slow. Sure he gets off topic frequently and most of his videos end up being just plain old game analysis that have sometimes VERY LITTLE to do with the "catchy" title,  there is something about his attitude that makes me want to play better, in a way to just shut him up.

Sure the quality of the video is awful, his english is almost a cliche, the board sometimes gets unsinked, he coughs, the edits cuts are grotesque, he points at pieces on the board that I CANT SEE and so on, but man just making the effort to follow along on my analysis board and pause and rewind and catch up, has made my game better. An hour with a roman tape, and i mean a serious hour with an analysis board trying to keep up with it is a great workout.


Just so you know


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