How to beat up a FIDE Master in under 1 min.

How to beat up a FIDE Master in under 1 min.

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It is not everyday that a common garden variety type of patzer like myself gets a request from a USCF Expert rated player to feature one or two of his games on ones somewhat insignificant youtube chess channel.  

It came as a relief if I am honest because being pressed for time due to work commitments and preparing a series of rather involved videos is enough to compel any man to rip the back pockets right off his jeans in frustration and leaves one barely any room to squeeze in a 5 minute blitz game oneself.  

Normally i do not feature blitz games on my channel. . . well because their instructional value is minimal and there are thousands of other channels featuring live blitz with varying degrees of success.  

In the case of USCF Expert David Luscomb I made an exception because his chess channel is truly awesome.  It has everything that a seeker of chess knowledge could desire - master game analysis, endgame studies, live blitz, and entertaining games where the masters pupil (The Terminator Shawn Bhuiyan!) actually overcomes the master himself and why not, was it not Da Vinci himself who stated that 'its a wretched pupil that does not surpass his master!'  Sigh i bet Ol' Leonardo never played chess otherwise he might have thought twice about those words! Anyhow, please visit the channel - CHESS64, subscribe, peruse, suck up the chess wisdom and most of all, enjoy!

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