Early Polgars. Some Games I Remember.

Early Polgars. Some Games I Remember.

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A few days ago, in another quadrant of the internet universe, I commented that I was old enough to remember the first game of one of the Polgar sisters to be published in the British press. It feels really strange that their entire playing careers seem to have come and gone within the period that I can remember! 

Youngsters these days all seem to be prodigies until they reach the limits of their talents - there are a couple I am taking real note of at the moment. Back 35 years ago, that wasn't the case so much, and I am sure that even those who have grown up in the modern era would struggle to believe the publicity that the Polgars - rightly - received back then.

Limited time, so a few games that I recall from the time that they were the big chess story.

Firstly the game that I think may have been the first published over here. I recall that it was a Sveshnikov, but my memory being as it is, I don't remember who the opponent was. I think it must be this one.

The opponent was this young lady.

British Chess News.

Needham was the leading British 'girl' player of the time. Not long afterward she gave up chess, got a job, got married, and had a proper life.

Another game by the Eldest sister did the rounds of publication, and a beautiful one it is too.

Of course, the biggest headline maker was Judit.

Wijk an Zee 1990.via Griffin

This next game made the front pages, complete with a photo that I have not been able to locate ( it will be in the newspaper archives if you have time to search for it.) The 12-year-old girl beats one of England's Grandmasters.

Glenn Flear. British Chess News.

And a fascinating and deserved win it was too.

Before that, she had a miniature that was much published. A fantastic game!!

The 'third sister' - actually the middle one -  was the first to give up playing the game for a living, but she actually created what was the biggest story of the prodigy days, at least as far as the specialist chess press was concerned.

At the Rome Open in 1989, she created a huge story. First place with the small matter of 8 wins and a last round draw,  and a performance rating against the rated opposition of 2930!! I hate to think what that would be today. Arguably still the greatest "prodigy performance" in history.

The game which got the attention was this one - against a player who had tied for first in the Soviet championships a few years before.

Sensational stuff!!

And time for one more—a game that won the brilliancy prize, The loser was this man.

MILlibrary on facebook.

No time to do notes as the beloved wants to get on skype!! Such is my life.

I hope you enjoyed this little wander through my memories of the Polgar sisters way back when. Take care everyone-must dash!!
