Some More Max Euwe.

Some More Max Euwe.

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Well, my last blitz look at the great Max Euwe seems to have been enjoyed by many. So, without going into my whole life story I decided to post a few more games and pictures while I am at a loose end which will hopefully be enjoyed by those who are interested.

I  have not chosen any games from Euwe's title matches - for those interested in that side of things a couple of links, before I forget.   Please invest in the book mentioned - it is great!

A magnificent article by my friend Andrey  

And a database of the games from Euwe's many matches :-  

So. I have LOADS of Euwe material, Tournament books, match books , best games books etc. One interesting one was an anthology by Euwe himself, written in the Fischer boom.

With typical modesty, he gives 50 games of his own, where most of the players get 60.

It is interesting to see what games he chose to illustrate himself at that late stage of his life and career.

O.K. Five games to keep you amused, plus some pictures. of course - as I said last time, loads of great Euwe pictures about!!

I have done some very quick notes off the top of my head, and feel free to correct them! Also any general comments, pictures, games etc. in the comments will be much appreciated. ( please be polite! Thanks)

Enjoy the games!

An early game.  not perfect chess - whatever that is - by any means, but I like it!

The next one seems to have been a favorite of Euwe's. His opponent is not so well known but interesting in his own right. He played a short exhibition match with the great Lasker, and was also at St. Petersburg in 1909.

Duras - Speijer. St. Petersburg 1909.

Euwe played a lot of fascinating games against the great Geza Marorczy - that would be an article in itself! This one shows just how strong Euwe was at playing 'slow motion attacks' - and he was prepared to do it even against a notoriously fine defender.

Euwe also played a lot of games against his friend Salo Flohr, and there are a lot of pictures of the two together. I have chosen one to include here. from 1932.

Its a great game!!

Before I forget. My great and valued friend @kamalakanta posted a game in the comments last time round where Euwe beat the young Bobby Fischer. A photograph of that game.


And to close this little selection, another game chosen by Euwe himself. Some lovely chessboard geometry which sticks in my head due to it's similarity with another game - mentioned in the notes.

A wonderful photo from the event when it was played, via the  incredible Douglas Griffin.

Botvinnik- Euwe. Groningen 1946. Guimard standing behind Botvinniki
Euwe 1935 !? via wikimedia.

That's it for now - I hope you enjoyed the games, and appreciate what a fine player Max Euwe really was.  To rewrite  Bob Dylan ' I  could have done better, but i don't mind'.

Thanks for looking in, and feel free to add stuff in the comments.