Viktor Tietz. A Forgotten Game

Viktor Tietz. A Forgotten Game

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Afternoon everyone. it's been quite a week here, but I have been able to look at a little bit of chess, so a small blog - mainly to show a forgotten game with a charming finish.

Over in the twittersphere a friend posted the picture that the header comes from. it is the frontispiece to vol 2 of the Karlsbad/Karlovy Vary Tournament book.

Tietz, Teichmann and Schlechter.

You won't know the figure on the left - Viktor Tietz. So, rather than summarise it all, I offer this link for you to go check out, and then come back to this!    google translate works fine.

There you will find mention of 50 games he played with Schlechter - I will get back to one of them at the end!

Apart from all his other chess activities, he took part in the Breslau Hauptturnier where Lasker won the Master title. The game between the two was rather one-sided.

He did get some partial revenge by winning the following simul game with a neat finish.

Karlsbad 1907. A better version than the one in Wiener Schachzeitung.

I have some of his other games from Breslau in the tournament book. You won't find them on the internet, so I have made  up pgns and will include them here.

Yes, this one has the same start date as the previous one! The schedules were tough! On the surface a tedious draw, but it has some humorous points.

Wiener Schachzeitung. 1911 page 304
Wiener Schachzeitung 1929. page 243.

So, to the game which inspired all this! As I say the two played a series of 50 games. This one was preserved in a Vienna newspaper - with thanks to whoever found it there.

You might also be interested in this - 5351 and follow the trail!!  

Karlsbad 1929. Various sources

That's all you get! Have a great weekend everyone.