Useful Playlists to Improve Your Chess
POV: You are a chess player and not sure whether you are a beginner or intermediate. You browse through the internet and try to watch some videos. Maybe you have read articles like Top Five YouTube Channels to improve your chess, etc.
You want a proper playlist from anywhere on the internet, preferably from YouTube, because why not? It’s free!
A few months ago I wrote an article regarding the YouTube Channels that can help improve your chess, gameplay, understanding etc. After reading that piece, one of my colleagues told me to give him some playlists from YouTube.
Here is my draft list that I have found interesting and helpful. I have categorized them into three parts.
1. Middlegame
2. End Game
3. Miscellaneous
ATTENTION: These playlists are my personal choices. I found them very helpful for my own improvement.
1. Chesscom
Also helpful, Peter Lalic
I am planning on finding out the best and most useful materials to improve your game. This can be a series, no? Comment if you are interested!
Read 12 Chess Memes That Will Make You Laugh! (ft. Mikhail Tal)