
Initial Ratings (New Comers) to

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In my opinion has worked out the bugs of the first 20 - 30 games (the points) give or take are very high, but, there is, in my opinion, a problem playing against such opponents (losing a lot of rating points). If these new comers could play a certain amount of games before encountering seasoned players (regular ratings points), then, it would be Ok to play chess against these opponents. To me, if I be a new comer, now, I would likely gain a lot of rating points and have caused a lot of players to lose a great amount of rating pts. because I have some skill. A new comer can easily be someone that is a grandmaster, but, since such person is new to whatever site, I feel that excepting challenges will be a problem due to the amount of points that I would lose. Am I stressing or am I correct?! I cannot continue to constantly except challenges if I know this is possible! What, of tournament games, are these new comers allowed to be in tournaments? I believe that new comers should not be allowed to play in tournaments until they have regular rating points allowed. I believe, also, that their challenges should be towards opponents of 1400, 1500, or whatever rating or less until regular point ratings kick-in! I was once asked by staff why I did not except a challenge (maybe opponent complained), and, I replied that just starting out on was difficult enough and that I have to work hard enough just to keep what points that I have. So, if I am not the best player in the world, why would I continue to except challenges from new comers - knowing that some or even many of them have a decent skill level. For me, to except, I would have to check the opponent's profile for a certain amount of games before I would except a challenge! Like 50 or more because I do not know how many games of chess is of regular rating points. THE END!