
Useless,"out of time" games on my profile

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Online chess games that simply "run out of time" when an opponent does not play farther than 1,2,3...etc moves, do not count as anything: a) ratings do not change.  b) I do not wish to keep the notation - some- really quick games.  c) I do not wish to see such games on my profile list, even though, I supposedly won. May I recommend that such games be placed in the/a quitters box or something somewhere (at least optional) because I gained nothing...Still, I understand that daily circumstances may occur that cheats us of time, or, maybe a higher or lower rated player decides not to play that particular game because of the great differences...Since we can not cancel once a game begins...Still, there is no real gain or credit or intelligence or someone that is awake on the other side of the board, so, I need the option to remove such games from my profile. Such games make searching more difficult, so, if I could have a remove to quitters column/box/whatever...(check button) before searching, it would no doult be useful.