
This forum is a place for viewers/followers of @EnergeticHay to send me their games to analyze on stream! Please do not spam this forum, just use it to send your games in. Have fun! Below is the library with all of the analyzed games: Viewer Game Analysis Library
littleprincess077 Jan 14, 2022
Here is a forum where you can ask me any questions you'd like on improvement.
EnergeticHay Oct 31, 2021
Hi all, let me know in the comments if there is any content in particular that you would like to see. Here's a current (updated 2/1/2021) list of topics I might write about in the future: 1. How much opening prep is needed for players of different skill levels 2. Sicilian Pawn Structures 3. Basic Endgames for Beginners 4. Fun Gambits 5. The Grandmaster Draw 6. The Art of Pre-Moving Again, let me know if there is something you would like me to post in my blog or youtube channel! I'm open to all suggestions
EnergeticHay Sep 5, 2021
Off-Topic but just wanted to share this game very quickly you can delete it if I am not supposed to post games because I am not sure please let me know. Anyways, here I took his 'free' queen and he instantly resigned but twister he had Mate in 1. I was Black in this weird game
ChampoftheBepoCamp Aug 23, 2021
Chessking4640 Jun 4, 2021
I played this game on the other site because I was getting frustrated on here haha. I’m thinking of just stopping playing for a week. This game was good but I’ve been making so many silly blunders today that I never make and I see it right as I move. Any tips?
GurneyHalek Jun 2, 2021
This is the link They were rated almost 2200 (Key word "Were")
EnergeticHay May 26, 2021
^^^ Basically, twitch replays disappear after 14 days (I'm not an affiliate or a paid member so that's the rule). Would you guys like me to just always upload the recording of my live stream onto my youtube channel in case you'd like to revisit it? I haven't been doing that in the past but I can easily start doing that. Let me know! Yes or No and WHY
EnergeticHay Mar 24, 2021
@EnergeticHay is streaming so come on over and check him out
EnergeticHay Jan 26, 2021