
gg battle: a must read

AndyClifton wrote:

This Thread has written down a bunch of This Threads because it was bored at work this afternoon.

Funniest one yet!


This Thread has already won a Pulitzer.

AndyClifton wrote:

Yep, looks like he's got hisself a little preachin' to do...


This Thread does not approve that photo.

TMIMITW wrote:

This Thread does not approve that photo.


This Thread is never afraid.


Of anything.


This Thread would have easily changed the look on Mitchum's face.

TMIMITW wrote:

This Thread would have easily changed the look on Mitchum's face.


This thread peaked at post 18.

trysts wrote:
theoreticalboy wrote:

Excellent new conceit, trysts!

We should send this thread to an exploding star, so it can fly to all reaches of potential life on the rays of a supernova.

I may get pregnant just so one more person can see this thread.

With citation to @Trysts.  She'll Be Back.

TheGrobe wrote:

This thread peaked at post 18.

This Thread will decide the peak!

pellik wrote:

This thread doesn't often always drink beer, but when it does it prefers Dos Equis.

good one


This thread sees the past, present and future, and believes Tyrsts will make a comeback. 

zborg wrote:
trysts wrote:
theoreticalboy wrote:

Excellent new conceit, trysts!

We should send this thread to an exploding star, so it can fly to all reaches of potential life on the rays of a supernova.

This Thread is the father.


This Thread hasn't thought about trysts since she left.


Does anyone think this thread can't tell what's what?

-kenpo- wrote:

You can never say if a person is making fun of you, or if they are being a good sport.

actually it's usually fairly obvious. unless the person intentionally goes to lengths to try and obscure their true meaning.  

what I don't understand is why anyone would ever be offended by such if it's an amateur internet blitz/bullet game. if someone says "gg" to you in a serious/insulting manner after some random amateur/chess enthusiast internet blitz/bullet game, it only serves to make it very clear that they have an embarrassingly poor understanding of chess. it would only be poor manners/bad sportsmanship if someone did this after a standard otb tournament game.

I would venture that most people who say "gg" in a semi-insulting manner after an amateur internet blitz game are half serious if that and are only horsing around a bit, albeit in a rather juvenile manner.

a problem only arises when it inflates a person's ego to ungodly proportions with them making it clear that they think that the win in the given random amateur/chess enthusiast internet blitz/bullet game magically confers upon them the status of true genius and means that they are of vastly superior intelligence in every way. in actuality, they are incredibly deluded in various ways and can be highly annoying/grating on the nerves. 

(apologies for interrupting the "real" thread)

This Thread knows exactly what you're saying and does not forgive you.


This thread knows the truth but struggles to understand it, makes sense?


This Thread wishes kenpoo hadn't posted