
Lardy’ish vs Lardy


Regular members may be aware of various posts where I thought I had a Lardy but alas, no - so I called it Lardy’ish. More recently, I acquired a confirmed Lardy Size 6 which we think is from the 70’s or 80’s. My gut feel is the Lardy’ish is older - it’s hard to explain why but I think it’s the patina and carving.

I thought I would bring the pieces and conversation into one thread. Here’s some initial shots. In future, I might add some measurements, weight comparisons and clearer photos. In truth, I like them both. 
First, the Lardy’ish

Now the Lardy

Below - the Lardy’ish on the left and the Lardy on the right.


They're both great sets and I'm sure they both play very well. If there's one thing I've learned, then it's that these sets are very hard to label if there is no explicit label or name on the box (certainly with my limited experience)

But in the end, a label doesn't make them prettier or better quality.


This is the box of the Lardy. I believe it is cedar.
I’ll post the Lardy’ish box later but it’s a generic old wooden slide to box.


Ah, now it's Lardy-ish? The set with kings crowned with big ripe pears and what I'd like to call cross-eared mules has always inspired me happy.png Looking forward to see more, and maybe another player brings in another sample from around the world.


Very nice sets, Love these Lardy sets. I have myself a n°2, n°3 n°4 and n°5, My favorite sets.

The most i play with is the n°3 because it's easy to move it into a bar for playing and drinking with friends wink.png

Yes - my favourite sets are Chavet no.3 and no.4 for the exact reason that they are easy to transport and play in bars and pubs on manageable size boards.

Are these Lardy or Lardy-ish? I bought them second-hand in Germany, and they come in this unmarked box. King's height 8 cm, base diameter 3,3 cm, and I believe, they are unweighted. Some of the pieces have nice swirls.

Whatever they are, I'll love them anyway. Just wondering.


@DelphinSnow - my apologies for not seeing this post and responding earlier. I am not sure who manufactured this set but it is lovely and I too would guess it is of European origin due to the lovely swirls and knots in the wood. Whether Lardy or not / it’s lovely. 👍


Powderdigit, I want to agree with you, it looks a bit older than most Lardy's I have seen, I will take some pictures of mine tomorrow and post them on this thread (just for comparison). Great find and thanks for sharing....just love that Lardy-ish set! Someone will know what it is at some point 🤞🏼.


Thank you, Powderdigit and Ninecastles. I posted them in another thread some time ago and someone said, the white king had a proper Lardy lean. 😄

I have a feeling that the eyes of the knights are slightly off. Somehow I would have expected more bulbous eyes in the knight. Like the eyes of Powder's knights.