
Making My Automatic Chessboard

chessroboto wrote:

This YT update from the creator’s channel is 9 days old only. Online play against Stockfish.

these are some pretty sick stopmotion skills


Recent “stop motion animation” of the Phantom vs Stockfish


Here is one another betatester review:


Thanks for that video @Yurijs - interesting. Do you know what connection Ivo Senden has with the project? He states he has backed many Kickstarter projects and delays of 1 to 2 years are common. I have backed many Kickstarter projects as well and only one project was delayed like that, and it was not even a technology project, it was purely manufactured chess pieces.

The more I see of boards like this, the more I dislike the look of the pieces. I understand that they need to be slim for movement but those pieces are not appealing to me in any way.

But again, thanks for posting that video.


Hi @Rsava,

For me both Andrew and Ivo looks like ordinary KS project backers. I`m not sure about their connection with this project in other way. If you need example of several years delay, check Kickstarter for "Square Off NEO & SWAP" self-moving chess project (planned Delivery was June 2020). Taking into account, that they already had several successful smart-chess products on the market before that.

Yurijs wrote:

If you need example of several years delay, check Kickstarter for "Square Off NEO & SWAP" self-moving chess project (planned Delivery was June 2020). Taking into account, that they already had several successful smart-chess products on the market before that.

And when it came time to late fulfillment, the Neo was delivered first. The Swap was delivered many months later.


They do not seem like ordinary KS backers to me. And where are all the others? You would think that after all the waiting people would be posting videos of the board since the project starter stated that a number of boards had already been delivered and that was over a week ago.

You pick an example of a bad product from a horrible company. I also told you I have had one bad one over the many I have backed (22 at last count). One that started at the early part of the Chinese Virus and was still delivering product (of a non-technical/electronic nature, just plastic and metal chess pieces) as of 4 days ago. Started in June/July 2020 and a backer just posted 4 days ago, "Finally got my set in today, not what I expected, not really worth the money or the very long wait." But that is 1 out of 21 (I just backed another last week). Not very common.

Here is a post from one of that bad project's backers - "I am backer #3014 I still haven’t received my set yet will I get it sometime this decade?" So, does it happen, yes. I never said it did not.

I was questioning the claim on video that "delays of 1 to 2 years are common". They are not. Ivo needs to tell us how many he has backed and how many of the ones he has backed are 1 to 2 years late to show it is "common".

Square Off is a horrible company, I have one of their products. They are horrible to deal with, they are slow, they fail to deliver. To call the Kingdom and Pro "successful" is giving them way more credit than they deserve.

Many of us called them out when they first tried to market the Neo and Swap - 4 years ago. Seems we were correct. (BTW, seems they also shipped "early" units of the NEO - posts here from Nov 2022 on receiving them - but now???? Where are they?) Here is a post on IndieGoGo about the product - "Still not a bloody word on getting my chess set in Malaysia. It’s been bloody years now and nothing as of yet." That was posted about 19:00 UTC. Hmmm. Ph, and there are YT videos about that product as well. So YT videos mean nothing unless they are done by reputable reviewers or are very numerous. Again,

We also had issues with "Regium Chess", seems we were right about that product as well.

I hope that those of us who doubt this product are proven wrong. I want to be wrong. I want to see the industry flourish. I just have questions, as do others. No need to get defensive for the company just for people asking questions ... unless ...

Have a great day!


There is another unboxing.

Rsava wrote:

So YT videos mean nothing unless they are done by reputable reviewers or are very numerous.

We also had issues with "Regium Chess", seems we were right about that product as well.

I hope that those of us who doubt this product are proven wrong. I want to be wrong. I want to see the industry flourish. I just have questions, as do others. No need to get defensive for the company just for people asking questions ... unless ...

Have a great day!


Also all of this looks EXACTLY like a replay of Regium, lol


The product seems to exist and reviews are slowly coming in. Let's see if all orders can be fulfilled and if development continues.

I'm not impressed with the reviews and experience so far. To get a beta unit is pretty high shipping costs. From the first reviewer I'm not seeing many games. Perhaps the novelty has already worn off.

chesslover0003 wrote:

There is another unboxing.

That's the very same video posted by @Yurijs here.

Wow you guys need to try harder, it's getting too obvious...

Also where is @Carlos_Pendas why did he disappear? tongue.png


Hopefully the beta testers will stress test the software integration of the board with the multiple chess sites and established chess applications. However, we should expect by now that any successful software development is a continuous process.

Breeze wrote:
chesslover0003 wrote:

There is another unboxing.

Sorry, I corrected the link to the video. This is an unboxing from a different user. It's only 5 days old.

Most recent project update shows alot of damaged packages in shipping.


Andrew’s latest video