
Probably Chesbazaar Steinitz 1865-1870 "Reproduction"


Just pulled the trigger on what I believe is Chessbazaars reproduction or rather interpretation "Reproduced Antique 1865-70 Steinitz Staunton Pattern Chess Pieces in Ebony / Box Wood with King Side Stamping - 3.75" King". Got it of the usual local platform for 170€ including shipping and a storage box (pictures from the seller down below).

I think it is a pretty good deal. The pieces are new/unused and the felt looks to be applied good enough from what I could see from the pictures. Extra queens included (though their felt is of a different color). I plan to use this set strictly for playing (basically anything above Blitz). For analysing and playing through some games I will be using OS 1850 Repro and for Blitz Biro Sandors fantastic chessmen. Still trying to sell two different sets in order to be able to acquire whatever exact reproduction OS will be offering in the future that I like. Unfortunately, I have learned that there is no "last" set, at least not now, but I keep my fingers crossed...

Until then, I think three sets (excluding the one I keep at my parents place and the two I am selling) is still "ok" haha. Though I would love to just keep one set for everything, but than again, there are so many beautiful sets...

Let me know what you think. This is the first set from (probably) Chessbazaar and I am quite thrilled. Btw: you could buy the exact same set from right now and apply an additional 35% discount code and get this set for ca. 140€ (ebony!). The box I got, while not being particulary pretty, is worth 40€. Of course, I will be posting some extra pictures, when the set arrives next week. But I must admit, eventhough the set is, as I have already stated, in my opinion rather an interpretation of the Jaques Set, I do kind of like the knight. While nothing too special, it still is rather nice, especially the eyes and looks very robust.

Pictures from Chessbazaar:

Chessbazaars SetChessbazaars Set 2

Pictures from the incoming set (seller took them):


Looks good. Do let us know if the set you receive justifies the store photos


The pieces arrived and I have to say they are in perfect condition. No flaws at all, very good polishing, good feel and very nicley weighted. Not too heavy, but with some heft. Eventhough the felt is in general good by todays standards, I most likely will replace it at some time in the future. All in all, a steal.

White pieces:

King: 71g
Queen: 61g
Bishop: 40g/41g
Knight: 39g/45g
Rook: 47g/49g
Pawn: 19g-21g

Total (white pieces): 552g

Black pieces:

Kingg: 82g
Queen: 60g
Bishop: 38g/43g
Knight: 46g/49g
Rook: 45g/51g
Pawn: 23-26g

TOTAL (black pieces): 609g

TOTAL (set): 1161g


What a beauty...


DesperateKingWalk hat geschrieben:

What a beauty...

Thank you happy

I forogt to metion: the set came with 4(!) extra queens hahaha, not too bad!

Uchebuike wrote:
DesperateKingWalk hat geschrieben:

What a beauty...

Thank you

I forogt to metion: the set came with 4(!) extra queens hahaha, not too bad!

Great so you would not mind cutting one in half. And showing everyone why ebony is worth it....grin


Wow! Great repro of the Steinitz…The set is beautiful and has a good flow to the design. Great find, and wow (4) extra queens….you must be ready to really destroy your opponents with multiple pawn promotions!

Ninecastles hat geschrieben:

Wow! Great repro of the Steinitz…The set is beautiful and has a good flow to the design. Great find, and wow (4) extra queens….you must be ready to really destroy your opponents with multiple pawn promotions!

I will try my best! evil


Wonderful stuff. Enjoy! 👍


Very nice set @Uchebuike, congrats!


I agree and basicly said the same about the felt on their chess set. That was my only gripe, everything else was fantastic.


Thanks @BrownishGerbil and @Powerdigit!

Yeah…I asked one of my friends who works at a playing hall (?) with pool tables and stuff, whether he can ask for some baize leftovers. Maybe I am lucky and will be able to replace the felt with baize. Otherwise I will chose some 100% wool felt (1mm).


Baize is fantastic. Woven wool is such a durable material. I have never had to replace the baize on my chess pieces. A good wool felt is also very good.