
Show us your everyday chess set

My old chess set's pieces was very small. The pawn was only 3-4 mm tall!


That sets looks very nice. Where did you acquire it from.


Budget wooden Staunton tournament type pieces with german knights in a folding board/case is what I use when I don´t go with plastic pieces and a roll up board.



These Chavet style High Polymer Resin pieces with a vinyl roll up board is another favourite set.


This 80mm set with a 45 mm Revanche board sees daily action. It's the perfect size to fit on any table and play a game with one of my sons.

edwardPowell2233 wrote:


That sets looks very nice. Where did you acquire it from.

I bought it from etsy 😊


I Use my green mousepad and heavy weighted plastic chessmen for everyday use.

Cant go wrong with them and no risk of breaking those pieces.


Currently using my trusted original Biro Sandor chess set on a 55mm Rechapados Ferrer foalding board. No need for something else. Been / am selling off all of my chess sets except for this one and a standard German knight set, when I am at my parents place.

Also I played the following game with them last Sunday on game day in a chess league here in Freiburg, Germany (playing with the black pieces):

lotsoblots wrote:

Pawnerai's shot from the previous page (I hate when my post makes a new page!):

Very nice, @Pawnerai. Now you just need to jump on that trimmed vinyl board bandwagon!

Question? are those pieces plastic...and where did you get them...they look perfect...


Rosewood Zagreb (Philos Peter de Große)

Chessboard= printed 3mm dibond, 54mm squares


Same board with Timeless pieces (Printed 3mm dibond, 54mm squares)



Cambridge Springs - 3 7/8 inch king. Only regret is that I missed the opportunity to get rosewood, but no quarrel with the ebony.

Uchebuike wrote:

Nice...mine is similar...will post later


I use a Drueke plastic set I purchased many years ago that I've managed to keep in very good condition. I fell in love with a smaller, 2.5" King set back in school, over 50 years ago now. When I played in tournaments and found out that the set was too small I searched and searched for a 3.75" King size set. That is my official tournament set, although I rarely play OTB any more.

Wrecklass wrote:

I use a Drueke plastic set I purchased many years ago that I've managed to keep in very good condition. I fell in love with a smaller, 2.5" King set back in school, over 50 years ago now. When I played in tournaments and found out that the set was too small I searched and searched for a 3.75" King size set. That is my official tournament set, although I rarely play OTB any more.

Sadly enough OTB play hasn´t picked up since the (still ongoing) pandemic. I still regard OTB as the only real way to play chess but online play is a decent substitute.

Uchebuike wrote:
Uchebuike's Set
Uchebuike's Set

This set really takes me back with that Redheaded Knight and Rook. I started back when USCF tournaments were still using descriptive notation (e.g. 1 x kbp). Having a set that showed the king side pieces vs. queen side was very handy back then.

Wrecklass wrote:
Uchebuike wrote:
Uchebuike's Set

This set really takes me back with that Redheaded Knight and Rook. I started back when USCF tournaments were still using descriptive notation (e.g. 1 x kbp). Having a set that showed the king side pieces vs. queen side was very handy back then.

I'm ALWAYS ALWAYS looking for ways to tweak's just my nature. I've always thought, WHY the need to stamp king side knights...... when setting up the board, face both knights inward, and keep them facing in their original position throughout the game; queen's knight looking at the queen at the start of the game, same for the king's unbelievably simple, leaving only the rook requiring a stamp.

hermanjohnell wrote:
Wrecklass wrote:

I use a Drueke plastic set I purchased many years ago that I've managed to keep in very good condition. I fell in love with a smaller, 2.5" King set back in school, over 50 years ago now. When I played in tournaments and found out that the set was too small I searched and searched for a 3.75" King size set. That is my official tournament set, although I rarely play OTB any more.

Sadly enough OTB play hasn´t picked up since the (still ongoing) pandemic. I still regard OTB as the only real way to play chess but online play is a decent substitute.

I agree, why have 300 to 500 dollars tied up in a nice board and chessmen only to play using computer interaction. I'm just now getting back into playing, and hooked up with a friend, we are on our second game OTB using our phones, sending moves via text--no time limit. I'm using one of my nice sets, so far its nice...